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Passage - 2 Genral Knowledge Question and Answer

Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

Question. 1 - The author believes that the first stage towards the political regeneration of the language would be
(A) Taking the necessary trouble to avoid bad habits
(B) Accor iding being frivolous about it
(C) Clear thinking
(D) For professional writers to help
Answer : Taking the necessary trouble to avoid bad habits
Question. 2 - The author believes that
(A) English is becoming ugly.
(B) Bad language habits are inevitable.
(C) Our thoughts are becoming uglier because we are making the language uglier.
(D) Our civilsation is decadent so nothing can be done to stop the of the language
Answer : Our thoughts are becoming uglier because we are making the language uglier.
Question. 3 - Many people believe that nothing can be done about the English language because
(A) Bad habits spread by imitation
(B) We live in a decadent civilsation
(C) There are too may bad writers
(D) People are too lazy to change their bad habits
Answer : People are too lazy to change their bad habits
Question. 4 - The author believes that
(A) It is now too late to do anything about the problem
(B) Language is a natural growth and cannot be shaped for our won purposes
(C) The decline in the language can be stopped
(D) The process of an increasingly bad language cannot be stopped
Answer : The decline in the language can be stopped
Question. 5 - What causes bad language in the end?
(A) The bad influence of individual writers
(B) The imitation of bad language habits
(C) policical and economic causes
(D) An assumption that nothing can be done about it
Answer : policical and economic causes
Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

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