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Passage - 10 Genral Knowledge Question and Answer

Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

Question. 1 - The camel began to lick the tigers wound because the
(A) tiger was in pain
(B) tiger was tired
(C) tiger could not walk
(D) camels tongue was long.
Answer : tiger was in pain
Question. 2 - The tiger refused to eat the camel because the camel had:
(A) become his friend
(B) offered him food
(C) licked his wound
(D) All of these
Answer : All of these
Question. 3 - The tiger lay down near the camel because:
(A) they became friends
(B) he was tired
(C) there was enough space to lid down
(D) he was unable to walk
Answer : he was unable to walk
Question. 4 - What did the tiger do to the dying deer
(A) He ate him
(B) He killed him
(C) He killed him and ate his flesh
(D) He set hem free
Answer : He killed him and ate his flesh
Question. 5 - All of the following were either exhausted or wounded or killed except the:
(A) Deer which lay in the bag of the hunter
(B) tiger
(C) old camel
(D) hunter
Answer : Deer which lay in the bag of the hunter
Here is the selective and important English Grammer question with answers of for all types of competitive exams. all these questions every Police Jobs, Railway Jobs, Forest Department Jobs, Teaching Job, Lecture, Education Jobs is important for preparation. So these questions are for your practice.

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