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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. What do we call the point(decimal) in any hexadecimal number of the form 111.A3?
(A) radix
(B) hexadecimal point
(C) decimal
(D) octal point
Answer : hexadecimal point

1 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
2 A term that defines the direction of flow of information between devices.
3 The ___________ contains the address of the next instruction to be executed.
4 A process selects a replacement frame from the set of all frames.
5 Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent.
6 Hexadecimal Addition of (3A5)16 and (1B2)16 will give :
7 Which of the following is not a type of cloud?
8 Object=_________+relationships.
9 The 1 s complement of 0.101 is _________________
10 A collection of related data.
11 The result that is smaller than the smallest number obtained is referred to as ___________
12 Computer has a built-in system clock that emits millions of regularly spaced electric pulses per _____ called clock cycles.
13 In this type of VR environment, the subjects can perform both in the real and virtual environment.
14 The information that gets transformed in encryption is ____________
15 Which of the following is not an appropriate criterion for file organisation?
16 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
17 The information that gets transformed in encryption is ____________
18 The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is ______
19 OSS stands for:
20 Diagnostics service for Cars.
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