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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 22

Question. A standardized language used for commercial applications.
(A) C
(B) Java
Answer : COBOL

1 To locate the exact location of data in memory, we need the starting address of the segment, which is found in the DS register and an offset value. This offset value is also called?
2 The binary number 1110 in hexadecimal format is _____________
3 Both client and server release _________ connection after a page has been transferred.
4 A program that reads each of the instructions in mnemonic form and translates it into the machine-language equivalent.
5 Which of the following is often called the double precision format?
6 . Who is the father of Computers?
7 The 2’s complement of 15 is ____________
8 What does the symbol D represent in a hexadecimal number system?
9 The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is _______________
10 The operation that does not involves clock cycles is ____________
11 The carrier wave is a _________
12 A type of middleware that allows for between the built-in applications and the real-time OS?
13 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor is ____________
14 What does MBR stand for?
15 Which of the following is a loop statement?
16 MAR stands for ___________
17 What does FORTRAN stands for?
18 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
19 An approach that designs test cases by looking at the allowable data values.
20 A digitizer converts __________ input into digital input.
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