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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. The 9 s complement of 45 is _____________
(A) 45
(B) 54
(C) 64
(D) 46
Answer : 54

1 A program should be ________
2 Which of the following invention gave birth to the much cheaper microcomputers?
3 OSS stands for ___________
4 What does the data transfer instruction STA stand for?
5 Which of the following isn’t a phase of digitization?
6 ___________ is done in the development phase by the debuggers.
7 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
8 LRU stands for ___________
9 The first neural network computer.
10 Convert (22)8 into its corresponding decimal number.
11 A hardware based system that has autonomy, social ability and reactivity.
12 Which of the following is not a point-and-draw device?
13 In this type of VR environment, the three-dimensional scene is considered as a part of the physical environment.
14 The actual content in the database at a particular point.
15 Controlling the phase is referred as __________
16 What is the medium to convert text information into spoken sentences?
17 Which of the following is used in EBCDIC?
18 Which of the following is known as the interval between the instant a computer makes a request for the transfer of data from a disk system to the primary storage and the instance the operation is completed?
19 WDM stands for?
20 A software that lies between the OS and the applications running on it.
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