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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 41

Question. The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________
(A) Programming
(B) Machine Codes
(C) Mainframes
(D) Super Computers
Answer : Mainframes

1 Causing the CPU to step through a series of micro operations is called _________
2 What is the full form of CPU?
3 A concern of authentication that deals with user rights.
4 Multithreading is also called as ____________
5 D in COBOL stands for _________
6 Computer has a built-in system clock that emits millions of regularly spaced electric pulses per _____ called clock cycles.
7 A level that describes how a record is stored.
8 ____________ is basically a form of pictorial presentation.
9 A technique that allocates time slots dynamically.
10 The tracks are divided into sectors whose size _______
11 A plug and play storage device that simply plugs in the port of a computer is __________
12 What do you call a specific instruction designed to do a task?
13 A change in the appearance of a value or label in a cell.
14 Any computer that can access the server is called?
15 Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
16 The result of >> of 11001 by 3-bits will be ______________
17 A _______ is a connector showing the relationship between the representative shapes.
18 Secondary memory is the long term store for programs and data while main memory holds program and data currently in use. What kind of an organization is this?
19 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor is ____________
20 Name the device that converts text information into spoken sentences.
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