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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 22

Question. Numbers used in packed decimal format can be used for _____________ operations.
(A) logical
(B) relational
(C) arithmetic
(D) bitwise
Answer : arithmetic

1 A piece of information which is sent along with the data to the source computer.
2 The media texts may throw up discourses and are called ____________
3 A middleware layer between the stub skeleton and transport.
4 This characteristic often draws the line between what is feasible and what is impossible.
5 NE stands for __________ element.
6 A __________ is a noted set of activities that are executed on the software in order to confirm its behavior to certain set of inputs.
7 The process of making digital information work for you is called ___________
8 SDLC stands for ________
9 Speech Synthesis method based on the generation of periodic and non-periodic signals is ____________
10 A program that can retrieve files from the world wide web and render text images or sounds encoded in the files.
11 WORM (CDR), CDRW, DVD और ब्लू रे डिस्क इत्यादि उदाहरण है -
12 The number of sign bits in a 32-bit IEEE format _________
13 An example of a web design OSS.
14 The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent an octal number in binary is _______
15 What are the entities whose values can be changed called?
16 What does PC stand for?
17 A ____________WAN can be developed using leased private lines or any other transmission facility
18 A system of interlinked documents, websites, portals etc. accessed through the Internet.
19 OSS stands for ___________
20 Numbers used in packed decimal format can be used for _____________ operations.
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