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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 85

Question. What kind of a flag is the sign flag?
(A) General Purpose
(B) Status
(C) Address
(D) Instruction
Answer : Status

1 WANs that need to interconnect a very large number of sites.
2 The technique that increases the systems productivity.
3 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
4 A model that is the demo implementation of the system.
5 A Borland Turbo Assembler.
6 A layer which is the binary data protocol layer
7 A program created by Farmer and Venema for auditing capability.
8 Which of the following is a valid encoding format?
9 The first widely-used high level language developed in 1957.
10 The typical value of data transfer rate is __________
11 Which of the following is not a type of computer code?
12 Fire alarms are based on this type of transmission:
13 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
14 In this type of cloud, an organization rents cloud services from cloud providers on-demand basis.
15 Virtual Memory can be implemented via __________
16 ____________ creates an inferior process that runs your program.
17 Any computer that can access the server is called?
18 HLDA stands for _______
19 The value of radix in binary number system is _____________
20 Controlling the phase is referred as __________
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