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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 22

Question. What is the high speed memory between the main memory and the CPU called?
(A) Register Memory
(B) Cache Memory
(C) Storage Memory
(D) Virtual Memory
Answer : Cache Memory

1 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
2 The action performed by a ___________ structure must eventually cause the loop to terminate.
3 The tracks are divided into sectors whose size _______
4 Which of the following device use positional notation to represent a decimal number?
5 What does the data transfer instruction STA stand for?
6 A stage in which individual components are integrated and ensured that they are error-free to meet customer requirements.
7 Which of the following is not a keyword?
8 A computer language that is written in binary codes only is _____
9 A ______________ is diagram that depicts the flow of a program.
10 Which is interpreted language?
11 STD stands for ____________
12 The field that covers a variety of computer networks both public and private that are used in everyday jobs.
13 A standardized language used for commercial applications.
14 In both signed magnitude and 2’s complement , positive and negative numbers are separated using ______________
15 The EBCDIC is mainly used in ___________
16 Which of the following is a temporary output?
17 A circuitry that processes that responds to and processes the basic instructions that are required to drive a computer system is ________
18 When access is granted to append or update a file to more than one user, the OS or file management system must enforce discipline. This is _________
19 LRU stands for ___________
20 Maintenance and review add to the useful life of the system but can consume large amounts of __________
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