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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 27

Question. The transfer between CPU and Cache is ______________
(A) Block transfer
(B) Word transfer
(C) Set transfer
(D) Associative transfer
Answer : Word transfer

1 The LSB and MSB of 1243247 are ____ and ____
2 h command gives ___________
3 The Excess-3 representation of (0100)BCD is __________
4 Tape drive is connected to and controlled by _______
5 URL stands for?
6 The ability for programmers to use the same written and debugged existing class.
7 __________ describes the effect of involving the reader with the story, of constructing it as truth.
8 Comment in COBOL is denoted by ________
9 ____________ provide the detailed, specific application being developed.
10 LRU stands for?
11 Which of the following part of a processor contains the hardware necessary to perform all the operations required by a computer?
12 DARPA stands for?
13 MS-Word comes under __________
14 Any set of digits or alphabets are generally referred as ______________
15 These cloud services are of the form of utility computing i.e. the _________ uses these services pay-as-you-go model.
16 COW stands for?
17 In ____________ mapping, the data can be mapped anywhere in the Cache Memory
18 A speech synthesis model which tries to model the human speech production mechanisms is _________
19 The process of making digital information work for you is called ___________
20 The rate at which the problem size need to be increased to maintain efficiency.
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