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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 31

Question. Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
(A) memory
(B) drive
(C) disk
(D) circuit
Answer : memory

1 A direct reference of specific location.
2 A concept that combines data and functions into a single unit called class.
3 Execution of several activities at the same time.
4 Prolog comes under ___________
5 The magnetic tape is generally a plastic ribbon coated with ______
6 The 10 s complement of 455 is _________
7 XML stands for?
8 Category of software that comprises word processing, graphics, databases etc.
9 What does ASCII stand for?
10 A testing strategy that tests the application in the context of an entire system.
11 A small data file in the browser.
12 What will be the value obtained after multiplication of (-2) * (-3) using Booth’s Algorithm?
13 ____________ storage is a system where a robotic arm will connect or disconnect off-line mass storage media according to the computer operating system demands.
14 The process in which a file is partitioned into smaller parts and different parts are stored in different disks is ____________
15 Which of the following is not a part of the program division in COBOL?
16 Which of the following is not a valid representation in bits?
17 A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and provides the ability to switch from one process to another.
18 OSS stands for ___________
19 The language made up of binary coded instructions.
20 Identify the blank space in the diagram.
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