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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 17

Question. MAR stands for ___________
(A) Memory address register
(B) Main address register
(C) Memory accessible register
(D) Main accessible register
Answer : Memory address register

1 Which of the following is not a valid representation in bits?
2 Multithreading is also called as ____________
3 A transmission that generally involves dedicated circuits.
4 API is?
5 A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.
6 A method used to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.
7 RMI stands for?
8 CISC stands for ____________
9 The time that depends on the input: an already sorted sequence that is easier to sort.
10 The binary number 111 in octal format is ________________
11 If you are given a word of size n bits the range of 2s complement of binary numbers is ________
12 WTLS stands for?
13 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
14 Which of the following is a loop statement?
15 Methodology in which project management processes were step-by step.
16 An individual who plans and directs the work.
17 In image analysis, this part refers to objects represented within the image, which may signify to us because of, for example, their symbolic power or because of their composition in relation to each other.
18 Saas stands for?
19 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
20 A ______________________ is a display device, worn on head as a part of helmet that has a small display optic.
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