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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 30

Question. If M denotes the number of memory locations and N denotes the word size, then an expression that denotes the storage capacity is ______________
(A) M*N
(B) M+N
(C) 2M+N
(D) 2M-N
Answer : M*N

1 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
2 An attack in which the site is not capable of answering valid request.
3 Telephone networks operate in this mode.
4 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
5 Which of the following term is used when different forms of information like text, sound is converted to a binary code?
6 The software designed to perform a specific task
7 The zone of alphabetic characters from A to O in ASCII is _____________
8 Which is not involved in debugging?
9 Which defines the role of software?
10 A box that can represent two different conditions.
11 A gateway for the server side object.
12 What does D in the D-flip flop stand for?
13 Which of the following is not a flowchart structure?
14 The major component of GUI.
15 Which of the following is not a data type?
16 The sign indicator of unsigned numbers is ____________
17 PDU stands for?
18 The participating computers in a network are referred to as:
19 Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?
20 Which of the following is not a part of the Identification division?
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