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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 27

Question. Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
(D) Multi-core
Answer : RISC

1 BOOM stands for?
2 The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is _______________
3 The result that is smaller than the smallest number obtained is referred to as ___________
4 . The unattended interactive information systems such as automatic teller machine or ATM is called as _________
5 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
6 A document that specifies how many times and with what data the program must be run in order to thoroughly test it.
7 A ____________ disk consists of a circular disk, which is coated with a thin metal or some other material that is highly reflective.
8 Which of the following is a common testing conducted by the developers?
9 HLDA stands for _______
10 A typical __________ program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them.
11 These cloud services are of the form of utility computing i.e. the _________ uses these services pay-as-you-go model.
12 ____________ is one or more physically contiguous pages.
13 COBOL stands for _________
14 Database is generally __________
15 Executables might be called ________
16 Keep the statement language ______________ while writing a pseudo code.
17 Which is the device used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digital form for storage in computers?
18 __________ describes the effect of involving the reader with the story, of constructing it as truth.
19 Apache is a type of ________
20 Methodology in which project management processes were step-by step.
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