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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
(A) Cache
(B) Main
(C) Secondary
(D) Registers
Answer : Main

1 _____________ are identified by their addresses, we give them names (field names / variable names) using words.
2 A type of non-monotonic reasoning.
3 Under DES, the data encryption standard took a 64-bit block of data and subjected it to ______ levels of encryption.
4 . The input machine which originated in the United States around 1880s is a ___________
5 In image analysis, this part refers to objects represented within the image, which may signify to us because of, for example, their symbolic power or because of their composition in relation to each other.
6 ______________ is used to show hierarchy in a pseudo code.
7 Creating a computer or paper audit that can help detect wrong doings.
8 An example of a web design OSS.
9 If M denotes the number of memory locations and N denotes the word size, then an expression that denotes the storage capacity is ______________
10 What does SVGA stand for?
11 Configuration where many independent computer systems are connected.
12 The language made up of binary coded instructions.
13 An expression for the calculation of cyclomatic complexity.
14 _______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.
15 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?
16 Richard Stallman from MIT, established a special license, the ________ license.
17 In this type of VR environment, the subjects can perform both in the real and virtual environment.
18 SLAM stands for?
19 __________ represents a particular instance of a class.
20 MFD stands for?
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