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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. Computer has a built-in system clock that emits millions of regularly spaced electric pulses per _____ called clock cycles.
(A) second
(B) millisecond
(C) minute
(D) microsecond
Answer : second

1 The portion of the processor which contains the hardware required to fetch the operations is _______
2 Which of the following is not a magnetic disk?
3 A concept that contains rhythm of speech, stress patterns and intonation is ________
4 Under DES, the data encryption standard took a 64-bit block of data and subjected it to ______ levels of encryption.
5 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
6 Binary Coding for the letter X is ______________
7 The decimal representation for the character ‘!’ in ASCII is ____________
8 CAD stands for?
9 The _________ attribute specifies the web page to be placed in the frame initially.
10 OSS stands for:
11 A program that reads each of the instructions in mnemonic form and translates it into the machine-language equivalent.
12 A printer that prints one line at a time and has a predefined set of characters is called _______
13 What is the full form of CPU?
14 MOM stands for?
15 Identify the blank space in the diagram.
16 Which of the following is not a type of number system?
17 Which of the following is not an object-based logical model?
18 Which of the following is a type of image scanner?
19 Security features that control that can access resources in the OS.
20 A ________ is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out of the system.
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