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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. The number of characters/second that can be transmitted to the memory from the tape is denoted by the term.
(A) Data transfer rate
(B) Transmission mode
(C) Transmission rate
(D) Data mode
Answer : Data transfer rate

1 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
2 An encryption technique with 2 keys is ______________
3 Technologies that completely involve a user inside a synthetic environment.
4 Interpreter is used as a translator for?
5 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
6 Allocated size of a file comes under?
7 _____ LAN topology describes the possible connections between pairs of networked end-points that can communicate.
8 SQL is _______
9 Category of software that comprises word processing, graphics, databases etc.
10 A technique that allocates time slots dynamically.
11 ____________ provide the detailed, specific application being developed.
12 HMD stands for?
13 The technology used in optical disks is ______
14 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
15 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
16 ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.
17 A level that describes how a record is stored.
18 A transmission that generally involves dedicated circuits.
19 This cycle, of going through __________ states of running and input/output, may be repeated over and over until the job is completed.
20 A ______________is an application that allows the user to compose and edit simple documents.
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