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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 21

Question. A ____________ disk consists of a circular disk, which is coated with a thin metal or some other material that is highly reflective.
(A) magnetic
(B) optical
(C) compact
(D) hard
Answer : optical

1 Which of the following is a common testing conducted by the developers?
2 Gathering formal or informal technical feedback is called _________
3 A statement used to close the IF block.
4 HMD stands for?
5 The value of radix in binary number system is _____________
6 1 yottabyte = ______________
7 This cycle, of going through __________ states of running and input/output, may be repeated over and over until the job is completed.
8 The 2’s complement of 15 is ____________
9 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
10 What is the default value of accumulator in booths multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers?
11 Process of evaluating a system to verify whether or not it is meeting its objectives.
12 A _______ can be recorded using a normal light source.
13 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
14 A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
15 ___________ Conducted at customers site.
16 This describes the objectives of a product and set out the constraints.
17 The number of clock cycles per second is referred as ______
18 The notion of norms also links to the idea that representations are given force through a process of:
19 Attack in which a user creates a packet that appears to be something else.
20 Source program is compiled to an intermediate form called ___________
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