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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. A device similar to a flash drive ______________
(A) Memory card
(B) Compact drive
(C) Compact disk
(D) Memory disk
Answer : Memory card

1 How is the number 5 represented in non-positional number system?
2 A ______________is an application that allows the user to compose and edit simple documents.
3 The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is ______
4 The weights used in Binary coded decimal code are:
5 The forms that can be used for a variety of inventory applications.
6 The subtraction using 1’s complement of 110 – 100 will give the result ___________
7 A ______________________ is a display device, worn on head as a part of helmet that has a small display optic.
8 DBMS is a set of __________ to access the data.
9 A level that describes data stored in a database and the relationships among the data.
10 A type of VR environment in which subjects are visually isolated from the real environment.
11 A valid variable declaration in FORTRAN is __________
12 A _______ is a connector showing the relationship between the representative shapes.
13 CAD stands for?
14 A type of analysis that attends to the repetition and frequency of features, their proportions within the text, and consequent assumptions about significance.
15 The actual content in the database at a particular point.
16 Input Devices that use a special ink that contains magnetizable particles of iron oxide are ____
17 ________________ is a paradigm of distributed computing to provide the customers on-demand, utility based computing service.
18 The 16’s complement of 74E will be __________
19 An approach that designs test cases by looking at the allowable data values.
20 Which of the following is a valid encoding format?
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