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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. Obtaining services from a rapidly evolving group of internet users __________
(A) Outsourcing
(B) Crowd Sourcing
(C) Human collaboration
(D) Human Computation
Answer : Crowd Sourcing

1 Any computer that can access the server is called?
2 Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?
3 These ciphers replace a character or characters with a different character or characters, based on some key.
4 Apache is a type of ________
5 The software substituted for hardware and stored in ROM.
6 Two or three characters appended to relative filename separated by a period.
7 WANs that need to interconnect a very large number of sites.
8 Which unit is responsible for converting the data received from the user into a computer understandable format?
9 DES stands for?
10 Another notation for exponentiation.
11 A set of overlapping divisions in the main memory are called _______
12 The technique that increases the systems productivity.
13 The graphical models showing the relationships between the system and its environment
14 A network that links many different types of computers all over the world.
15 An algorithm in encryption is called _____________
16 Which of the following are physical devices of a computer?
17 Developing software __________ means a major commitment of time, money and resources
18 A gateway for the server side object.
19 ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.
20 Which of the following is a data transfer instruction?
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