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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 74

Question. What is the full form of FSM?
(A) Field Service Management
(B) Frequent Service Management
(C) Final Service Management
(D) Field Service Master
Answer : Field Service Management

1 The sign magnitude representation of -9 is ___________
2 A term that refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together.
3 MAR stands for ___________
4 Each personal computer has a _________ that manages the computers arithmetical logical and control activities.
5 Keep the statement language ______________ while writing a pseudo code.
6 An OSS for communication purpose.
7 Which of these is a part of network identification?
8 A type of cipher that uses multiple alphabetic strings.
9 The weights used in Binary coded decimal code are:
10 __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
11 Which of the following is the correct representation for a storage capacity of a tape?
12 A software that lies between the OS and the applications running on it.
13 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
14 Which of the following divides the input domain into classes containing data?
15 A unique piece of information that is used in encryption.
16 A freeware GNU Debugger is __________
17 Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer?
18 Binary Coding for the letter X is ______________
19 A piece of information which is sent along with the data to the source computer.
20 The storage capacity of an optical disk is given by:
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