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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 35

Question. Name the device that converts text information into spoken sentences.
(A) Speech Sensors
(B) Compact convertors
(C) Speech Synthesizers
(D) Voice systems
Answer : Speech Synthesizers

1 What does the data transfer instruction STA stand for?
2 This concept allows routines to use data again at different times.
3 The protocol designed to make the security of wireless LAN as good as that of wired LAN.
4 Encryption standard that is selected by the US government to replace DES.
5 What is the other name for object middleware?
6 The father of ioT.
7 The delimiter in a FORTRAN code.
8 A basic unit of object-oriented programming.
9 MS-Word comes under __________
10 WDM stands for?
11 Rotation of the disk must vary __________ with the radius of the disk.
12 Several instructions execution simultaneously in _________
13 RMI stands for?
14 Source program is compiled to an intermediate form called ___________
15 The period of ________ generation was 1952-1964.
16 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
17 Which of the following is often called the double precision format?
18 In a spreadsheet, letters are used to represent _____________
19 RFID stands for?
20 The process of drawing a flowchart for an algorithm is called __________
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