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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. Which is the device used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digital form for storage in computers?
(A) Digitizer
(B) Scanner
(C) Image Scanner
Answer : Digitizer

1 What does MBR stand for?
2 The functions of execution and sequencing are performed by using ______________
3 A term that refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together.
4 An encryption technique with 2 keys is ______________
5 Which is not a data type in COBOL?
6 Write the decimal equivalent for (110001)BCD.
7 A concept that contains rhythm of speech, stress patterns and intonation is ________
8 Telephone networks operate in this mode.
9 What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?
10 Files that maintain the hierarchical structure of the file system.
11 Which of the following is not a process state?
12 Graphics composed of patterns of dots called pixels.
13 The customer requirements are broken down into logical modules for ease of _______________
14 The placement of information within a cell at the left edge, right edge, or centered is
15 The media texts may throw up discourses and are called ____________
16 MAR stands for ___________
17 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
18 The technique that increases the systems productivity.
19 The files that appear as entries in the directories.
20 Which is the device used for converting maps, pictures and drawings into digital form for storage in computers?
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