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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer?
(A) Application Software
(B) System Software
(C) Utility Software
(D) User
Answer : System Software

1 The graphical models showing the relationships between the system and its environment
2 The 1’s complement of 1111111110.101 is _______________
3 Gathering formal or informal technical feedback is called _________
4 A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.
5 A type of VR environment in which subjects are visually isolated from the real environment.
6 The father of ioT.
7 Which of the following is known as the interval between the instant a computer makes a request for the transfer of data from a disk system to the primary storage and the instance the operation is completed?
8 The services provided for the user are described in which section?
9 A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements
10 CISC stands for ___________
11 A term in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used.
12 Convert (22)8 into its corresponding decimal number.
13 WANs that need to interconnect a very large number of sites.
14 A system of interlinked documents, websites, portals etc. accessed through the Internet.
15 set args without arguments can ___________
16 An encryption technique with 2 keys is ______________
17 The action performed by a ___________ structure must eventually cause the loop to terminate.
18 _____________ are identified by their addresses, we give them names (field names / variable names) using words.
19 A dedicated website for providing specialized information in a particular field.
20 Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent.
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