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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. Storage of firmware is ___________
(A) Cache Memory
(C) External
Answer : ROM

1 The number of clock cycles per second is referred as ________
2 A ______________ is diagram that depicts the flow of a program.
3 Octal subtraction of (232)8 from (417)8 will give ______________
4 A program created by Farmer and Venema for auditing capability.
5 A walkie-talkie operates in ____________
6 A tracking based on geo-location information.
7 The 16’s complement of 74E will be __________
8 Which of these is a part of network identification?
9 In a spreadsheet, letters are used to represent _____________
10 The signed magnitude for -3 will be ___________
11 A _______ can be recorded using a normal light source.
12 Which of the following is the device used for converting maps, pictures, and drawings into digital form for storage in computers?
13 Which of the following is not a part of the Identification division?
14 Which of the following is a valid encoding format?
15 The technology used in optical disks is ______
16 The process of producing useful information for the user is called ___________
17 The value of base in a decimal number system is ____________
18 The first neural network computer.
19 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
20 Which of the following is not a part of a digitizer?
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