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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. A program that can execute high-level language programs.
(A) Compiler
(B) Interpreter
(C) Sensor
(D) Circuitry
Answer : Interpreter

1 Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?
2 Which of the following monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems?
3 Which of the following is not a type of optical disk?
4 The result obtained on subtraction using 2s complement of 1111-0010 will be _________
5 The field that covers a variety of computer networks both public and private, that are used in everyday jobs.
6 Execution of several activities at the same time.
7 A step in waterfall model that involves a meeting with the customer to understand the requirements
8 Which of the following is not a part of the Identification division?
9 The number of values a function can return at a time?
10 In this type of cloud, an organization rents cloud services from cloud providers on-demand basis.
11 A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and provides the ability to switch from one process to another.
12 Graphics composed of patterns of dots called pixels.
13 In this type of VR environment, the three-dimensional scene is considered as a part of the physical environment.
14 The process of making digital information work for you is called ___________
15 Line Printers that print one line at a time are _________
16 What does FORTRAN stands for?
17 The value of radix in binary number system is _____________
18 Processor which is complex and expensive to produce is ________
19 DNS stands for?
20 What is the default value of accumulator in booths multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers?
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