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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 21

Question. JVM stands for?
(A) Java virtual machine
(B) Java visual machine
(C) JRE virtual machine
(D) JRE visual machine
Answer : Java virtual machine

1 A device similar to a flash drive ______________
2 A filename without path information.
3 Which of the following is the smallest unit of data in a computer?
4 MCTI stands for Mobile community ________ inventory.
5 ____________ refer to renewing or changing components like increasing the main memory, or hard disk capacities, or adding speakers, or modems, etc.
6 A system of interlinked documents, websites, portals etc. accessed through the Internet.
7 The following box denotes?
8 Which of the following is an efficient method of cache updating?
9 Which of the following is not a data type?
10 A freeware GNU Debugger is __________
11 A stage in which individual components are integrated and ensured that they are error-free to meet customer requirements.
12 Any program, no matter how small, occupies an entire partition. This is called _____________
13 Which of the following is used for binary multiplication?
14 ___________ Conducted at customers site.
15 A structure that is system- dependent.
16 If you are given a word of size n bits the range of 2s complement of binary numbers is ________
17 The ___________ layer, which provides the interface that client and server application objects use to interact with each other.
18 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
19 What is the 1’s complement of 11010?
20 When the document gets put out : the best fit is calculated from ___________ structure.
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