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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. First statement in a fortran code is _________
(A) include statement
(B) import statement
(C) program statement
(D) @data statement
Answer : program statement

1 Comment in COBOL is denoted by ________
2 FTP stands for?
3 Many time slots are wasted in __________
4 . The unattended interactive information systems such as automatic teller machine or ATM is called as _________
5 What do you call a program in execution?
6 CHAP stands for?
7 A program that can execute high-level language programs.
8 The process of maintaining a record of project development and maintenance.
9 CISC stands for ____________
10 Which of the following is not an open source software?
11 ________________ is also called auxiliary storage.
12 These devices provide a means of communication between a computer and outer world.
13 Which of the following is not an object-based logical model?
14 A task carried out by the OS and hardware to accommodate multiple processes in main memory.
15 What is responsible for creating a process from a program?
16 In this technique, there is a link between subscriber and network and a local loop.
17 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
18 Secondary memory is the long term store for programs and data while main memory holds program and data currently in use. What kind of an organization is this?
19 __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
20 A stage in which individual components are integrated and ensured that they are error-free to meet customer requirements.
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