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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 23

Question. A valid variable declaration in FORTRAN is __________
(A) real :: Celsius
(B) real Celsius;
(C) Celsius real;
(D) real : Celsius
Answer : real :: Celsius

1 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
2 The transfer between CPU and Cache is ______________
3 What is NaN in IEEE standards?
4 In this technique, there is a link between subscriber and network and a local loop.
5 The time that depends on the input: an already sorted sequence that is easier to sort.
6 DES stands for?
7 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
8 A set of overlapping divisions in the main memory are called _______
9 Another notation for exponentiation.
10 The functions of execution and sequencing are performed by using ______________
11 Which of these is a part of network identification?
12 ______________ is done in the development phase by the developers.
13 Which of the following is not an object-based logical model?
14 What does the data transfer instruction STA stand for?
15 Brain of computer is ____________
16 A task carried out by the OS and hardware to accommodate multiple processes in main memory.
17 Assembler is used as a translator for?
18 Which of the following is not involved in working of IoT?
19 Brain of computer is ____________
20 A collection of related data.
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