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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 25

Question. D in COBOL stands for _________
(A) Data
(B) Draft
(C) Debugger
(D) Debugging lines
Answer : Debugging lines

1 MAR stands for ___________
2 The numbers used to represent numeric values in EBCDIC are _______
3 Files in which users store information?
4 Number of regions of the disk in a UNIX files management system.
5 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
6 What do you call a specific instruction designed to do a task?
7 A ___________________ monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems.
8 Which is not a data type in COBOL?
9 The 2 s complement of 10.11 :
10 A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.
11 A serially connected system of all the hubs of networks.
12 Which of the following is not a downside of OSS?
13 A collection of related data.
14 A term used in the context of web design to suggest the path that user takes while browsing a website.
15 What is the full form of SAMPA?
16 A method that must be overridden while extending threads.
17 A technique that enables light field which is generally the product of a light source scattered off objects.
18 Comment in COBOL is denoted by ________
19 A speech synthesis model which tries to model the human speech production mechanisms is _________
20 Gathering formal or informal technical feedback is called _________
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