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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 90

Question. A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
(A) Stack
(B) Queue
(C) Linked List
(D) Array
Answer : Queue

1 _____________ denotes the format in which data is stored in memory.
2 XML stands for?
3 A gateway for the server side object.
4 A system in which two channels are dedicated to transfer data
5 Which of the following is a name of plotter as well as a printer?
6 In this generation Time sharing, Real time, Networks, Distributed Operating System was used
7 A term to describe the extent to which a user can modify form and content of a mediated environment.
8 Which of the following is not a speech synthesis method?
9 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
10 A tag similar to that of the bold tag.
11 Encryption standard that is selected by the US government to replace DES.
12 What is NaN in IEEE standards?
13 CAD stands for?
14 The ____________ is a piece of equipment designed to make cartoons more realistic and enjoyable. It uses stacked panes of glass each with different elements of the animation
15 Which of the following is a technique that marked the beginning of computer communications?
16 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
17 Which of the following isn’t a phase of digitization?
18 The hex representation for F is _______________
19 The purpose of communication system is to transfer information from _______ to the destination
20 The word ____________comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn-i Musa al Khowarizmi.
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