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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 16

Question. A flowchart that outlines the main segments of a program.
(A) Queue
(B) Macro
(C) Micro
(D) Union
Answer : Macro

1 Any electronic holding place where data can be stored and retrieved later whenever required is ____________
2 What kind of a flag is the sign flag?
3 Both client and server release _________ connection after a page has been transferred.
4 Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
5 MAR stands for ___________
6 The delimiter in a FORTRAN code.
7 Which of the following is not a valid representation in bits?
8 A term for simultaneous access to a resource, physical or logical.
9 You can expand the memory of some PDAs with ________ that can be inserted into the PDA.
10 ________________ is also called auxiliary storage.
11 The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are ____________
12 Which of the following is not an appropriate criterion for file organisation?
13 A section in HTML that contains generic information about the document.
14 The Victorian internet is actually?
15 __________ analysis regards texts as collections of signs or paradigms and possible meanings, operating within the bounds of various codes.
16 Any program, no matter how small, occupies an entire partition. This is called _____________
17 When the data at a location in cache is different from the data located in the main memory, the cache is called _____________
18 The ____________ is a piece of equipment designed to make cartoons more realistic and enjoyable. It uses stacked panes of glass each with different elements of the animation
19 Files that maintain the hierarchical structure of the file system.
20 Execution of several activities at the same time.
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