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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 25

Question. Which of the following is not a flowchart structure?
(A) Process
(B) Sequence
(C) Repetition
(D) Case
Answer : Process

1 Which of the following is known as the interval between the instant a computer makes a request for the transfer of data from a disk system to the primary storage and the instance the operation is completed?
2 A program that can execute high-level language programs.
3 An international research effort to promote autonomous robots
4 The language made up of binary coded instructions.
5 Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?
6 The first neural network computer.
7 A type of technique in which dumb terminals are connected to a central computer system.
8 A ____________WAN can be developed using leased private lines or any other transmission facility
9 The length of a register is called _______
10 A computer that operates on digital data.
11 Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
12 The result that is smaller than the smallest number obtained is referred to as ___________
13 The result of 0 – 1 in binary is ______________
14 FTP stands for?
15 In EBCDIC, D5 is used to represent ________ character.
16 1 yottabyte = ______________
17 The number of clock cycles per second is referred as ________
18 Technologies that allow the user to see the real world, with virtual objects composited in the real world.
19 Which of the following is used for binary multiplication?
20 Name of the first animation film.
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