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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 18

Question. Which of the following describes the correct format of an input instruction?
(A) IN 82
(B) INPUT 82
(C) INP 82
(D) 82 INP
Answer : IN 82

1 The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent an octal number in binary is _______
2 A point not considered in system evaluation.
3 A service that allows a user to log in into another computer somewhere on the Internet.
4 FTP stands for?
5 A valid variable declaration in FORTRAN is __________
6 A testing strategy that tests the application in the context of an entire system.
7 Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?
8 Any set of digits or alphabets are generally referred as ______________
9 Number of regions of the disk in a UNIX files management system.
10 Controlling the frequency is referred as _________
11 ___________________ is designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task.
12 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
13 The _______ calls certain procedures on remote systems and is used to perform synchronous or asynchronous interactions between systems
14 SGML stands for?
15 MAR stands for ___________
16 Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit?
17 _____________ are identified by their addresses, we give them names (field names / variable names) using words.
18 Which of the following computers are lower than mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity?
19 SQL is _______
20 . Who is the father of Computers?
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