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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 26

Question. A program should be ________
(A) Secure
(B) Sequential
(C) Ordered
(D) Simple
Answer : Sequential

1 The files that appear as entries in the directories.
2 A model developed by Hammer and Mc Leod in 1981.
3 SDLC stands for ________
4 Which of the following isn’t a part of a spreadsheet?
5 The decimal equivalent of (0.101)2 will be ____________
6 What does PC stand for?
7 In public key cryptography, a key that decrypts the message.
8 The instructions that tell the assembler what to do.
9 The dots on the magnetic tape represent ________
10 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
11 Which of the following is a myth in testing?
12 Which of the following is not involved in DBMS?
13 Which of the following is not a type of browser?
14 For voice, each channel contains a ___ word of digitized data
15 A point not considered in system evaluation.
16 A topology is a modified version of the basic star topology.
17 WANs that need to interconnect a very large number of sites.
18 A process to determine how the actual testing is done _______
19 The 1 s complement of 0.101 is _________________
20 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
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