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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 21

Question. Gathering formal or informal technical feedback is called _________
(A) Audit
(B) Testing
(C) Inspection
(D) Unit testing
Answer : Inspection

1 MS-Word comes under __________
2 The restrictions placed on the data.
3 ______ generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components.
4 This is not a part of the signing on the procedure.
5 Which of the following is not a process state?
6 Brain of computer is ____________
7 These cloud services are of the form of utility computing i.e. the _________ uses these services pay-as-you-go model.
8 Used to produce illustrations for reports or for generation of slides.
9 In text documents, a structure which stays the same no matter how the document is represented.
10 _______ searches for smallest block. The fragment left behind is small as possible.
11 The number of sign bits in a 32-bit IEEE format is ____
12 The ______level helps application programs hide the details of data types.
13 The number of clock cycles per second is referred as ________
14 COBOL stands for _________
15 RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________ object.
16 A method used to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.
17 Multithreading is also called as ____________
18 The result that is smaller than the smallest number obtained is referred to as ___________
19 The 10s complement of 562 is __________
20 Which of the following holds the last instruction fetched?
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