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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 24

Question. Which of the following divides the input domain into classes containing data?
(A) Equivalent partitioning
(B) Environment partitioning
(C) Procedure division
(D) Compilation division
Answer : Equivalent partitioning

1 This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations.
2 The BCD representation of (34)10 is _______________
3 What could be the maximum value of a single digit in an octal number system?
4 The EBCDIC code for the character A is ______________
5 Incorporating changes in an existing system to enhance update or upgrade its features.
6 A ______________ is diagram that depicts the flow of a program.
7 set args without arguments can ___________
8 Components that operate at the network layer of the OSI model.
9 A type of cipher that uses multiple alphabetic strings.
10 Which of the following is not a cloud stakeholder?
11 The information that gets transformed in encryption is ____________
12 The probability of failure-free operation of a software application in a specified environment for a specified time.
13 Components used for interconnecting dissimilar networks that use different communication protocols.
14 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
15 __________________ is the amount of data that can be stored on a given length of tape.
16 What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the digit 9?
17 Encryption standard that is selected by the US government to replace DES.
18 Which is not involved in debugging?
19 The 16’s complement of 74E will be __________
20 ___________ is a step in which design is translated into machine-readable form.
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