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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. The services provided for the user are described in which section?
(A) System requirements
(B) User requirements
(C) System models
(D) Appendices
Answer : User requirements

1 Storage of firmware is ___________
2 The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is ______
3 Which of the following uses multiple hard disk platters mounted on a single central shift?
4 ___________ Conducted at customers site.
5 The two types of ASCII are _____________ and ____________
6 The purpose of communication system is to transfer information from _______ to the destination
7 SCM stands for __________
8 A device that uses positional notation to represent a decimal number.
9 A ____________ disk consists of a circular disk, which is coated with a thin metal or some other material that is highly reflective.
10 The ___________ layer, which provides the interface that client and server application objects use to interact with each other.
11 A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
12 This cycle, of going through __________ states of running and input/output, may be repeated over and over until the job is completed.
13 NE stands for __________ element.
14 A language supported by MS. Net platform.
15 What is the medium to convert text information into spoken sentences?
16 A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
17 Category of software that comprises word processing, graphics, databases etc.
18 Examination of the program step by step is called ______________
19 . Who is the father of Computers?
20 Apache is a type of ________
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