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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 17

Question. The process of maintaining a record of project development and maintenance.
(A) Process documentation
(B) Product documentation
(C) User documentation
(D) System documentation
Answer : Process documentation

1 Public domain software is usually __________
2 Diagnostics service for Cars.
3 Which of the following is the brain of the computer?
4 Which of the following is not a valid representation in bits?
5 FDM stands for?
6 Which of the following divides the input domain into classes containing data?
7 The statement that tells the computer to get a value from an input device and store it in a memory location.
8 ___________ itself is a file owned by the operating system
9 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
10 A cipher in which the order is not preserved.
11 Which of the following is not a visible register?
12 The subtraction using 1’s complement of 110 – 100 will give the result ___________
13 Developing software __________ means a major commitment of time, money and resources
14 A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called ___________
15 What do you call testing individual components?
16 ______________ is done in the development phase by the developers.
17 If M denotes the number of memory locations and N denotes the word size, then an expression that denotes the storage capacity is ______________
18 A topology is a modified version of the basic star topology.
19 The data size of a word is _________
20 The number of clock cycles per second is referred as ________
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