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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
(A) gray box
(B) black box
(C) red box
(D) white box
Answer : black box

1 The actual content in the database at a particular point.
2 Semicolon is used after
3 A dedicated website for providing specialized information in a particular field.
4 The process of verifying the identity of a user.
5 _________________ defines the assigned ordering among the characters used by the computer.
6 A type of analysis that attends to the repetition and frequency of features, their proportions within the text, and consequent assumptions about significance.
7 A ____________(invented by Paul Roget in 1828) is a simple mechanical toy which creates the illusion of movement.
8 Which of the following is not a flowchart structure?
9 Which of the following is incorrect?
10 ___________ is done in the development phase by the debuggers.
11 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
12 Apache is a type of ________
13 Security features that control that can access resources in the OS.
14 The numbers used to represent numeric values in EBCDIC are _______
15 A language supported by MS. Net platform.
16 An approach that designs test cases by looking at the allowable data values.
17 The data division is used to ________
18 __________________ is a straightforward method of representing positive and negative numbers.
19 A standardized language used for commercial applications.
20 Methodology in which project management processes were step-by step.
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