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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 14

Question. 7’s complement of 432 is _________________
(A) 432
(B) 543
(C) 345
(D) 777
Answer : 345

1 What does PC stand for?
2 A ___________________ monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems.
3 Producing graphical representations for scientific, engineering, and medical data sets.
4 What is the correct syntax of for statement?
5 A ______________ represents the need of information in the program without the presenting the details.
6 Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent.
7 You can expand the memory of some PDAs with ________ that can be inserted into the PDA.
8 OSS stands for ___________
9 What is correct instruction if you want the control to go to the location 2000h?
10 A ____________WAN can be developed using leased private lines or any other transmission facility
11 A method that must be overridden while extending threads.
12 The smallest unit of data in computer is ________________
13 Which of the following does not come under text analysis?
14 A set of hard disk drives with a controller mounted in a single box, forming a single large storage unit is ____________
15 A program should be ________
16 In this technique, there is no direct contact between users and their programs during execution.
17 The major component of GUI.
18 Express the decimal format of the signed binary number (10010)2
19 What is the full form of SAMPA?
20 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
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