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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 25

Question. The result obtained on subtraction using 2s complement of 1111-0010 will be _________
(A) 11101
(B) 11011
(C) 1101
(D) 1011
Answer : 1101

1 A concept that contains rhythm of speech, stress patterns and intonation is ________
2 A direct reference of specific location.
3 Collect->Communicate->__________->Act
4 A term for Illusion of immersion by projecting stereo images on the walls and floor of a room.
5 ________________applies techniques to modify or interpret existing pictures such as photographs and TV scans.
6 A basic element of data in a file.
7 MAR stands for ___________
8 The signed magnitude for -3 will be ___________
9 WDM stands for?
10 An international research effort to promote autonomous robots
11 SDLC stands for ________
12 The result of >> of 11001 by 3-bits will be ______________
13 Which of the following isn’t a phase of digitization?
14 __________________ is the amount of data that can be stored on a given length of tape.
15 ______________ help us to see patterns.
16 __________ represents a particular instance of a class.
17 Booths Algorithm is applied on _____________
18 Which of the following is not a character of the digit 1110?
19 Multithreading is also called as ____________
20 A group of bits used to represent a symbol is called a ____________
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