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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. The subtraction using 1’s complement of 110 – 100 will give the result ___________
(A) -011
(B) 011
(C) 010
(D) -010
Answer : 010

1 If Booths Multiplication is performed on the numbers 22*3 then what is 3 referred to as __________
2 A model developed by Hammer and Mc Leod in 1981.
3 Computer has a built-in system clock that emits millions of regularly spaced electric pulses per _____ called clock cycles.
4 What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
5 set args without arguments can ___________
6 Semicolon is used after
7 Which of the following is not a part of the usage information?
8 In EBCDIC, D5 is used to represent ________ character.
9 Which of the following storage is a system where a robotic arm will connect or disconnect off-line mass storage media according to the computer operating system demands?
10 ISP is?
11 Which is not a data type in COBOL?
12 Which of the following is the fastest means of memory access for CPU?
13 Graphics composed of patterns of dots called pixels.
14 The memory implemented using the semiconductor chips is _________
15 What does PC stand for?
16 __________ analysis regards texts as collections of signs or paradigms and possible meanings, operating within the bounds of various codes.
17 Technologies that completely involve a user inside a synthetic environment.
18 _______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.
19 The analysis of _________ is a process of deconstruction that investigates the operations of texts, their constructions, the ways they produce meanings, what those meanings may be.
20 DNS stands for?
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