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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 35

Question. The 10s complement of 562 is __________
(A) 436
(B) 437
(C) 512
(D) 448
Answer : 437

1 Which of the following is not an example of system software?
2 Which of the following isn’t a part of a spreadsheet?
3 A process is busy swapping pages in and out.
4 ARPANET stands for?
5 What does EBCDIC stand for?
6 The action performed by a ___________ structure must eventually cause the loop to terminate.
7 IMS stands for?
8 An allocation that uses a proportional allocation scheme using priorities rather than size.
9 Which of the following is a data transfer instruction?
10 What does GUI stand for?
11 The period of ________ generation was 1952-1964.
12 These cloud services are of the form of utility computing i.e. the _________ uses these services pay-as-you-go model.
13 Size of the ________ memory mainly depends on the size of the address bus.
14 The operation represented by parallelograms.
15 A network that links many different types of computers all over the world.
16 In FORTRAN, the declarations of variables can be modified using the _____ parameter.
17 The placement of information within a cell at the left edge, right edge, or centered is
18 ______________ define how the locations can be used.
19 Which of the following uses multiple hard disk platters mounted on a single central shift?
20 Which of the following processor has a fixed length of instructions?
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