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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 19

Question. The IEEE standard followed by almost all the computers for floating point arithmetic _____
(A) IEEE 260
(B) IEEE 488
(C) IEEE 754
(D) IEEE 610
Answer : IEEE 754

1 Which of the following part of a processor contains the hardware necessary to perform all the operations required by a computer?
2 LRU stands for?
3 The first neural network computer.
4 The operation that does not involves clock cycles is ____________
5 A concept that contains rhythm of speech, stress patterns and intonation is ________
6 A simple notation for the representation of control flow.
7 This type of computer is mostly used for automatic operations.
8 The segment containing data values passed to functions and procedures within the program.
9 A valid variable declaration in FORTRAN is __________
10 Which of the following computers are lower than mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity?
11 A software that can be freely accessed and modified.
12 A network of physical objects or things embedded with electronics or softwares.
13 This part of image analysis refers to those primary signs, often part of the technique of photography, which are about how the image is made.
14 The numbers used to represent numeric values in EBCDIC are _______
15 CISC stands for ____________
16 MS-Word comes under __________
17 Which of the following is a myth in testing?
18 If M denotes the number of memory locations and N denotes the word size, then an expression that denotes the storage capacity is ______________
19 The only language which the computer understands is ______________
20 In image analysis, this part refers to objects represented within the image, which may signify to us because of, for example, their symbolic power or because of their composition in relation to each other.
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