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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 20

Question. What is responsible for creating a process from a program?
(A) OS
(B) Web
(C) Internet
(D) Firewall
Answer : OS

1 MFD stands for?
2 LRU stands for ___________
3 MAR stands for ___________
4 A circuitry that processes that responds to and processes the basic instructions that are required to drive a computer system is ________
5 STD stands for ____________
6 Processor wait ratio is given by ________
7 CISC stands for ___________
8 OSS stands for:
9 Graphics composed of patterns of dots called pixels.
10 ______ generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components.
11 Which of the following does not come under text analysis?
12 Which of the following are the input devices that enable direct data entry into a computer system from source documents?
13 Causing the CPU to step through a series of micro operations is called _________
14 The binary number 111 in its 2’s complement form is ____________
15 _______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.
16 Which of the following is the smallest unit of data in a computer?
17 Which of the following is not involved in DBMS?
18 A standard for unit testing.
19 A type of testing that is conducted at the software interface.
20 Brain of computer is ____________
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