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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 43

Question. What does b represent in a processor wait ratio?
(A) input ratio
(B) output ratio
(C) average time
(D) average I/O time
Answer : average I/O time

1 What is the full form of FSM?
2 A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
3 The analysis of _________ is a process of deconstruction that investigates the operations of texts, their constructions, the ways they produce meanings, what those meanings may be.
4 A flowchart that outlines the main segments of a program.
5 A technique that marked the beginning of computer communications.
6 These ciphers replace a character or characters with a different character or characters, based on some key.
7 Encryption standard that is selected by the US government to replace DES.
8 Tape drive is connected to and controlled by _______
9 Which of the following is not an object-based logical model?
10 The operation that does not involves clock cycles is _________
11 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
12 The field that covers a variety of computer networks both public and private that are used in everyday jobs.
13 What is the default value of accumulator in booths multiplication of two 4-bit binary numbers?
14 A basic unit of object-oriented programming.
15 The symbol denotes _______
16 A methodology used to develop behavior-based autonomous agents.
17 A type of middleware that allows for between the built-in applications and the real-time OS?
18 A transmission mode that can transmit data in both the directions but transmits in only one direction at a time.
19 Which of the following is not an example of system software?
20 . A tag similar to that of the italic tag.
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