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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 120

Question. A technique that allows more than one program to be ready for execution and provides the ability to switch from one process to another.
(A) multitasking
(B) multiprocessing
(C) multitasking
(D) multiprogramming
Answer : multiprogramming

1 PDA stands for?
2 ______________ is done in the development phase by the developers.
3 __________________ refers to the logical structuring of records.
4 Maintenance and review add to the useful life of the system but can consume large amounts of __________
5 Size of the ________ memory mainly depends on the size of the address bus.
6 What do you call a specific instruction designed to do a task?
7 What does FORTRAN stands for?
8 The result obtained on subtraction using 2s complement of 1111-0010 will be _________
9 A type of middleware that allows for between the built-in applications and the real-time OS?
10 Public domain software is usually
11 Which of the following is not an advantage of a flowchart?
12 Another name for white-box testing is ___________
13 JIT stands for?
14 The word ____________comes from the name of a Persian mathematician Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn-i Musa al Khowarizmi.
15 ___________ Conducted at customers site.
16 What is the location of the internal registers of CPU?
17 Obtaining services from a rapidly evolving group of internet users __________
18 A process of making the encrypted text readable again.
19 A parallelism based on increasing processor word size.
20 A group of bits used to represent a symbol is called a ____________
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