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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 45

Question. An interface that is implemented while using threads.
(A) java.lang.Run
(B) java.lang.Runnable
(C) java.lang.Thread
(D) java.lang.Threads
Answer : java.lang.Runnable

1 Which of the following uses multiple hard disk platters mounted on a single central shift?
2 SDLC stands for ________
3 Multiprogramming is mainly accomplished by:
4 Which is interpreted language?
5 SGML stands for?
6 WDM stands for?
7 ARPANET stands for?
8 MOM stands for?
9 TCP stands for?
10 Which of the following does not affects the execution of the program?
11 In the instruction ADD A, B, the answer gets stored in ___________
12 The length of a register is called _______
13 The result of 0 – 1 in binary is ______________
14 They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.
15 ____________ is one or more physically contiguous pages.
16 Which is not a data type in COBOL?
17 An individual who plans and directs the work.
18 DBMS is a set of __________ to access the data.
19 . The unattended interactive information systems such as automatic teller machine or ATM is called as _________
20 The architecture that uses a tighter coupling between the compiler and the processor.
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