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Computer Important Question

Category: Computer Quiz | View: 53

Question. __________ is used to shift processes so they are contiguous and all free memory is in one block.
(A) Fragmentation
(B) Compaction
(C) External Fragmentation
(D) Division
Answer : Compaction

1 ______________ are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather Forecasting.
2 Separation of user logical memory and physical memory is ___________
3 A printer that prints one line at a time and has a predefined set of characters is called _______
4 CISC stands for ____________
5 This describes the objectives of a product and set out the constraints.
6 A testing conducted at the developer’s site under validation testing.
7 The functions of execution and sequencing are performed by using ______________
8 Which of the following is not a way of acquiring software?
9 A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
10 The user can load and execute a program but cannot copy it. This process is?
11 The formal grammar rules governing the construction of valid instruction.
12 What does EBCDIC stand for?
13 A method that must be overridden while extending threads.
14 A software that lies between the OS and the applications running on it.
15 RMI uses stub and skeleton for communication with the ________ object.
16 Which of the following package allows individuals to use personal computers for storing and retrieving their personal information?
17 A model developed by Hammer and Mc Leod in 1981.
18 Files in which users store information?
19 Which of the following is not a type of server?
20 The ability for programmers to use the same written and debugged existing class.
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